Shadows & Lights in RealityKit
An explanation of shadows and lights in Realitykit. In AR mode you don't have much control of either. In non-AR mode you can at least add lights and some lights cast shadows.
All about coding for AR/VR using RealityKit, Unity and WebXR
An explanation of shadows and lights in Realitykit. In AR mode you don't have much control of either. In non-AR mode you can at least add lights and some lights cast shadows.
A rundown of the different ways to do animation in RealityKit, including simple transforms, importing animations from Blender and animating properties.
To have a model entity to take part in physics you need to add a collision shape and a physics body:
Sometimes you need to create a mesh at runtime. You might want to allow the user to create custom geometry or you're creating geometry based on information you only have at runtime like the size of the detected plane. Meshes consist of triangle…
For mobile AR you need to translate interactions on a 2D screen to the 3D scene. This is done with raycasting which involves shooting a ray from the camera and checking what objects the ray hits. ARView provides two main raycasting methods, one is f…
RealityKit is the rendering and physics part of AR on iOS while ARKit is the sensing part. ARKit works out where the virtual camera is and detects things like planes for you to anchor 3D content to. When you create an AR app you will spend most of y…